We gratefully accept donations of money and food.
Monetary Donations
Donations can be made:
- In person (cash or cheque only)
- Online through Canada Helps (Visa, Mastercard, Amex and Paypal accepted); easy set-up for monthly or one time donations
- By mail with cheque or money order
Partners in Mission Food Bank
140 Hickson Avenue
Kingston, Ontario K7K 2N6
Food Donations
All donations are welcome! These are suggestions for our most needed items:
- Money (your dollars contribute to higher purchasing power)
- Canned meat & fish
- Peanut butter
- Stews, canned tomatoes
- Baby food, formula, diapers
- Pasta, pasta sauce
- Cereal
- 100% Fruit juice
Many Kingston and area grocery stores have a food collection barrel at store fronts that we pick up weekly:
- Bearance's Grocery - 115 Livingstone Avenue
- Food Basics - 33 Barrack Street
- Food Basics - 1225 Princess Street
- Food Basics - Highway 15, Riverview Shopping Centre
- Food Basics - RioCan Centre, 770 Gardiners Road
- Foodland - 3 Manitou Crescent, Amherstview
- Fresh Co. - 2327 Princess Street
- Giant Tiger - 656 Gardiner's Road, Riocan Centre
- Loblaw's - 1048 Midland Avenue
- Metro - 310 Barrie Street
- Metro - 460 Gardiner's Road, Gardiner's Town Centre
- Metro - 775 Bayridge Drive
- No Frills - Tanya's - 1162 Division Street
- No Frills - Andrew & Emily's - 1030 Coverdale Drive
- Van Wart's Your Independent Grocer - 235 Gore Road
If you have perishable items that you would like to donate, please call and speak to office staff (613) 544-4100. Non perishables can be dropped into donation barrels at the back of our warehouse location (contactless) at 140 Hickson Avenue, Kingston during office hours Monday-Friday 8:30am-12 noon and 1pm-4pm.
Volunteer teams with large donations are advised to call our Executive Director Dan Irwin (613) 544-4100 in advance to coordinate best times for collections/deliveries.
Donating Securites
A donation of securities or mutual fund shares is the most efficient way to give charitably since the capital gains tax does not apply. Your security or mutual fund donation means a larger donation for Partners in Mission Food Bank. It also means a larger charitable tax receipt for you.
If this approach to giving reflects your kind of financial planning, please contact our Executive Director – Dan Irwin at (613) 544-4100 for more information or directly through this link.