UPDATE: Early count from Hotel Dieu Hospital's Food Blitz in support of us is 63,200 lbs of non perishables. Thank you very much to HDH staff and volunteers, all canvassers and to everyone in Kingston and area that donated. Well done! Should see more donations in the next few weeks and we will update everyone.
The 29th Annual Hotel Dieu Hospital’s Food Blitz is set for May 14th, 2014 from 6pm to 9pm. Canvassers with Food Drive badges will knock on donors’ doors to collect non-perishables to help stock our shelves. Every year our goal is to collect 100,000 lbs. of food-last year’s Blitz total was 101,000 lbs.
Collection bags will be included in the Kingston This Week May 8th edition for convenient doorstep pick-up on the Blitz evening. Alternatively, donations may be dropped off at any major grocery store or at our location weekdays at 140 Hickson Avenue if missed the night of the Blitz. Monetary donations can be made by visiting our website kingstonfoodbank.net and selecting the “Donate Now” button on our home page.
Two warehouses will be active the night of the Blitz. In Amherstview the Knights of Columbus will be receiving and sorting groceries at the Amherstview Fire Hall at 363 Amherst Drive. The second site will be at our location in the warehouse at 140 Hickson Avenue.
Once again, students from Regiopolis Notre Dame High School will be volunteering their time unloading trucks, sorting and packing. Holy Cross Secondary School students will be out canvassing Kingston west and receiving and sorting groceries at their school at 1085 Woodbine Road.
We are in particular need of canned pasta, peanut butter, juice, rice, tuna, canned fruits, and vegetables, but all donations are welcome. Baby food and baby formula will also be gratefully accepted.
Since we opened nearly 30 years ago, over 246,000 food hampers have been distributed to low-income families throughout the greater Kingston area. There has been a 26% increase in demand for assistance since 2008. In 2013 we had an additional increase of 2.5%.
For those wanting to volunteer by forming or joining a collection team for the Blitz on May 15th please contact Sarah Butler at the Hotel Dieu Hospital (613) 544-3400 ext. 3072 or contact us directly at (613) 544-4534.